Larry Dierdorff, 78, has painted more than 200 murals across the Inland Empire, transforming blank walls into detailed works of art. His latest project, commissioned by Bud Feldkamp, adds a touch of whimsy to downtown Redlands.
Jeannette Wilson is a candidate for Redlands Unified School Board area 4.
Wilson has worked as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for 40 years. She regularly attends RUSD school board meetings to advocate for the removal of certain library books from the school.
Wilson is endorsed by Latinos United for Conservative Action, whose goal is to "shine God's Light upon a dark sharing scripture, and pursuing conservative values in schools, government, communities, and families..."
She has lived in Redlands for 36 years. She is a wife, mother and grandmother.
Wilson is running against Alex Vara in Area 3. Click the map below for a detailed view of districts.
The Funding
Total Raised: $22,659
(Last updated Nov. 1, 2024)
Wilson's campaign for the RUSD School Board has raised $17,485 in cash donations and $5,174 in nonmonetary contributions.
$14,650 from individual donations.
Of those individual donations, $1,840 was made up of small donations under $100.
$9,000 came from a single household in Redlands, Dale and Susan Broome.
Awaken Redlands, a nonprofit 501 c(4), donated $5,174 in nonmonetary contributions, including:
Campaign literature and mailings: $1,816.47
Postage, delivery and messenger services: $3,358.02
$995 from companies or organizations
The Endorsements
The Survey: "In their own words"
For this section, Community Forward Redlands asked each candidate the same five questions. These are their responses. Candidates were asked to keep their responses around 100 words. Responses were edited only for grammar or spelling errors. We also made candidates aware that we will make note of any statement that includes factual inaccuracies or conjecture.
The knowledge and skills gained through developing two nonprofit foster care agencies gave me valuable knowledge and skills in the areas of fiscal decisions, policy development, HR management and contracts/audits.
What do you love most about Redlands?
The historic homes, the yearly home tours, the varied events, activities and artisan shows and the traditions honoring the family such as the Christmas and 4th of July parades.
How do you define the role you’re seeking as a RUSD School Board member?
I see the role of a school board member as providing policy development and oversight to ensure the culture of the school district is one that best represents the entire community, is highly focused on academic development and respects and protects each child. I understand the grave responsibilities involved and will give consideration to child development knowledge when making decisions and setting policy. Monitoring the Superintendent in his/her effectiveness in upholding, enforcing and enhancing all critical aspects of the district and the expectation and policies as set forth by the Board.
If elected, what would be your top three priorities as a RUSD School Board member?
Respecting the input of parents/involving parents, ensuring child abuse reporting laws are followed and inappropriate or abusive actions are addressed with the perpetrator being held accountable, and academic scores and students' abilities increase.
I am a licensed clinical social worker and the knowledge and skills gained through developing two nonprofit foster care agencies gave me valuable knowledge and skills in the areas of fiscal decisions, policy development, HR management and contracts/audits.
If elected, what is your vision for moving our community forward?
I want to see parents feeling respected, informed and confident in sending their children to public schools. I want to see much greater numbers of our children performing at grade level in academic subjects and I want to ensure students are safe, supported and challenged throughout their educational experience.
Pastor Kevin O'Conner of the ARK Church, the Inland Empire Family Pac, SB County Patriots, LUCA, SB County Republican Central Committee