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Independent local news for Redlands.

Community Forward Redlands is dedicated to delivering hyper-local news. We prioritize reporting on stories before decisions are finalized, empowering residents to actively engage in local government.

We are modernizing your access to quality local journalism. You can get local news online, on social media, or by subscribing to our Redlands Weekly News Update:

If you enjoy Community Forward Redlands and would like to support local journalism, here are a few ways:

⭐️ Become a paid subscriber: Community Forward Redlands is free to access. We aim to keep it that way. Our main source of revenue is from those who wish to support through paid subscriptions.

With $1.25/week (billed $5 every 4 weeks) you can be a part of growing local independent journalism in Redlands. 

📢 Share our stories: We have been able to grow and continue our work due to the amazing support from our community. We don't pay to promote our newsletter or articles. We have grown tremendously simply through word of mouth. Forwarding our newsletter or sharing our profile and posts on Instagram or Facebook goes a long way.

🗞 Become a sponsor: Exclusive weekly sponsorship packages are available to connect local businesses and organizations with a highly engaged Redlands audience. Read more here or email us for more information about sponsorships:

📢 News tips

If you want to say hello or share a story idea, you can email: or call us at 909-654-7770.

🍊 As a part of the Redlands community, we care deeply about providing a community-first approach to local news that drives solutions.

Thank you for reading and supporting your Redlands-owned local newsroom.

Founding Editor

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Follow us on social media for more local coverage: Instagram Facebook