
Independent local news for Redlands.

Community Forward Redlands is dedicated to delivering high-quality local journalism. We prioritize reporting on stories before decisions are finalized, empowering residents to actively engage in local government. You can get local news online, on social media, or by subscribing to our Redlands Weekly News Update.

CFR is free to access because of the support of our members and sponsors. Here's how you can help.

⭐️ Become a paid subscriber: CFR is free to access but it costs money to produce. To keep this service freely accessible to the community we need your help. If you're able to pitch in with a paid monthly or yearly subscription we'll add your name to our list of supporters and send you a CFR sticker.

🗞 Become a business or individual sponsor: Exclusive weekly sponsorship packages are available to connect local businesses and organizations with a highly engaged Redlands audience. Read more here or email us for more information about sponsorships: hello@communityforwardredlands.com

If you'd like to become an individual sponsor, I'd love to speak with you. You can email me here: stephanie@communityforwardredlands.com.

📢 Forward Community Forward stories: We have been able to grow and continue our work due to the amazing support from our community. Forwarding our newsletter or sharing our profile and posts on Instagram or Facebook goes a long way.

News tips

If you want to say hello or share a story idea call us at 909-654-7770 or send me a note at stephanie@communityforwardredlands.com

Thank you for reading and supporting your Redlands-owned independent newsroom.

Founding Editor

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