Larry Dierdorff, 78, has painted more than 200 murals across the Inland Empire, transforming blank walls into detailed works of art. His latest project, commissioned by Bud Feldkamp, adds a touch of whimsy to downtown Redlands.
The City Treasurer is responsible for receiving, safeguarding, and disbursing public funds in compliance with state laws.
The treasurer must submit monthly financial reports detailing receipts, disbursements, and fund balances to the city clerk and legislative body. They also oversee the collection of city taxes and license fees and may appoint deputies, who serve at the treasurer’s discretion.
Statutory duties of the City Treasurer as defined by California Government Code Section 41001-41007 include:
The City Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all money the treasurer receives.
The City Treasurer shall comply with all laws governing the deposit and securing of public funds and the handling of trust funds in his possession.
The City Treasurer shall pay out money only on warrants signed by legally designated persons.
Regularly, at least once each month, the City Treasurer shall submit to the City Clerk a written report and accounting of all receipts, disbursements, and fund balances. They shall file a copy with the legislative body.
The City Treasurer shall perform such duties relative to the collection of City taxes and license fees as are prescribed by ordinance.
The City Treasurer may appoint deputies.
The deputies shall hold office at the pleasure of the City Treasurer and receive such compensation as is provided by the legislative body.
On the ballot:
Two candidates are vying for the nonpartisan job, including currently appointed city treasurer Phillip Doolittle and challenger John Paul Maier.
This is a city-wide election that will appear on the ballots of all Redlands residents.